Publications in Journals and Links
1.Automated machine learning based plant stress detection system
2. A novel pixel replacement-based segmentation and double feature extraction techniques for efficient classification of plant leaf diseases
3.Corrosion resistance of mild steel in sea water in the presence of a coating of an oil extract of plant materials
4.Valuable Vitality Remote Perceiving in Cloud IOT
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4951.129219
5. Non-Contact Heart Rate Monitoring using Facial Video
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4950.129219
6.Digital Image Falsification Detection System for Effective Data Communication
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B4950.129219
7.Damaged Number Plate Recognition
8.Robot for Under Water Monitoring
9.Area-efficient and high-speed hardware structure of hybrid cryptosystem (AES-RC4) for maximizing key lifetime using parallel subpipeline architecture
10.A Peer to Peer Botnet Framework for Network Threat Detection in Wireless Networks
11.Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm on Steganography
12.Extensible Network Lifetime Using RelaySelection Scheme on Wide Area Wireless Sensor Networks
13.Extensible Network Lifetime Using RelaySelection Scheme on Wide Area Wireless Sensor Networks
14.Epileptic Seizure Detection Using HWPT based ANFIS Classifier
15.Detection of Multi-Layer Attack using Anticipated Relay Algorithm in the Wireless Sensor Networks
16.Survey on Multiprocessor System on Chipwith Propagation Antennas for Marine Applications
17.Ship Intrusion Detection System - A Review of the State of the Art, Communication in Computer and Information Science (CCIS),
18.High Resolution 3D Image in Marine Exploration Using Neural Networks - A Survey
19.Efficient energy management approach for tracking location in wireless sensor networks
doi: 10.4108/eai.12-9-2018.155561
20.An efficient routing approach for detection of flooding attacks in wireless sensor networks
DOI: 10.4108/eai.12-9-2018.155562
22.Detection of Denial of Service Attacks by Domination Graph Application in Wireless Sensor Networks
23.Implementation of reconfigurable galois field multipliers over2m using primitive polynomials
24.Strategic deployment and scheduling for facility location problem using domination graph in wireless sensor networks
25.Cross-Layer Based Error Control Technique for WSN with Modified Relay Node Selection and Corruption Aware Method
26.Clustered Error Control using Cross layer design reliable routing for efficient agriculture monitoring
27.Design and analysis of a 1.2 V, 2.4 GHz low power ASK transmitter for wireless micro sensor nodes
DOI: 10.1109/WCSN.2007.4475739
28.Transformer Exchanging with Vacuum Electrical Switch
DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v8.i3.pp679-680
29.Wireless Network For Strategic Boundary Supervision System
30.An Efficient Strategy Over Brain Tumour Analysis Using Image Processing Techniques
31.Self-Configurable Clustering using FLB to improve Network Lifetime in WSN
32.System on Chip Based RTC in Power Electronics
33.Design Of Hybrid Model Cryptographic Algorithm For Wireless Sensor Network
34.Low power Design of Wakeup Receiver for wireless sensor nodes- A survey
35.Detection and Elimination of Black Hole and Grey Hole Attack on MANET,
36.Defending Web Servers from Denial of service attacks by acknowledgement based approach
37.An area efficient low power FIR filter for ECG noise removal application
38.Performance analysis of Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector and Energy consumption AODV in Wireless Sensor Networks
39.Malicious Node Detection System using Hash Chains Approach in IOT based Sensor Networks
40.Progressive Parallel ICI Cancellation Scheme and BER Performance Analysis for MIMO-OFDM
41.Performance Analysis of Low Power FIR Filters Using Modified CSA in Biomedical Applications
42.Fuzzy based energy efficient cluster head detection in wireless sensor networks
43.Performance analysis of ad-hoc on demand distance vector and energy power consumption AODV in wireless sensor networks
44.Sinkhole Attack Detection in WSN using Pure MD5 Algorithm
DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i24/111413
45.Design of advanced vedic multiplier using Ripple carry adders
46.Self Configurable Clustering using FLB to improve network lifetime in WSN
47.An Improved Digital FIR Filter Design Using fast FIR Algorithm and Modified Carry Save Addition
48.Enhanced Performance of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using compressor
based Vedic algorithm
DOI: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01028.5
49.Detection of COPD and Asthma using SOC in FPGA with LABVIEW
DOI: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01029.7
50.Improved performance of FFT based cardiac analyzer using Advanced booth algorithm
DOI: 10.1109/AEEICB.2016.7538372
51.Enhanced Performance of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using compressor based Vedic algorithm
DOI: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01028.5
52.Power reduction analysis of dynamic CMOS using transistor Re-ordering and sizing in UDSM
53.Delay Performance in Wireless Sensor Network: A Cross Layer Analysis
54.Strewn Intrusion Detection System for Dos attacks using coordinating rundown approach in WSN, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities,
DOI: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00808.X
55.System on chip (SOC) based cardiac monitoring system using kalman filtering with fast fourier transform (FFT) signal analysis algorithm
56.Power reduction analysis of dynamic CMOS using transistor Re-ordering and sizing in UDSM
57.Design of a a novel 16 bit Compact Carry Save Adder by using GDI logic for low power and low area applications
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2016.24.06.23582
58.Performance Analysis Of Wide And Or Structures Using Keeper Architectures In Various CMOS Technologies
59.Autonomous and manual voice operated fire fighting Robot
60.A Hybrid Cryptographic algorithm design using Block and Stream cipher based Confidentiality and Integrity in Wireless Sensors Networks
61.Delay Performance in Wireless Sensor Network: A Cross Layer Analysis
62.Abnormality Analysis of Lungs Using External Parameters of Gross Segmentation
63.Performance analysis of wide and or structures using keeper Architectures in various cmos technologies
64.Cross layer based Error control technique for WSN,
65.A Low Power Modified Carry Save Adder for Reconfigurable Digital Filters
66.Performance analysis of black hole attack detection scheme using MD5 algorithm in WSN
67.An energy efficient key management scheme for mobile wireless sensor networks
68.Modified Design and Analysis of a CMOS LNA for Wireless Sensor Network Applications’
DOI: 10.1007/s11277-009-9867-0:
69.A 1V, 2.4 GHz Low power CMOS Common Source LNA for WSN Applications
DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2009.07.009
70.Modified Design And Analysis of A Current Reuse Receiver Front End For WSN Applications’
71.Modified Design and Analysis of a Performance Optimized Common Gate LNA for Low power Wireless Sensor Network Applications
72.Comparative Studies on the Performance of Low Power Transmitters for Wireless Sensor Nodes
73.A 1.2V, 2.4 GHz, Low power 120nm CMOS ASK Transceiver for WSN
74.FPGA based patient monitoring system using SOPC FPGA_based_patient_monitoring_system_ using_SOPC
75.Modified Design and analysis of Low power CMOS RF Transceivers for Wireless Sensor Networks content/asp/jolpe/2009/00000005/ 00000001/art00005?crawler=true
76.FPGA based patient monitoring system using SOPC FPGA_based_patient_monitoring_system_using_SOPC
77.Modified Design and analysis of Low power CMOS RF Transceivers for Wireless Sensor Networks
78.Reducing the Energy Consumption in Wirelsess Sensor Networks using sink relocation Mechanism
79.Modified Design and analysis of Low power CMOS RF Transceivers for Wireless Sensor Networks content/asp/jolpe/2009/00000005/ 00000001/art00005?crawler=true
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